full name bryan lloyd danielson ring name daniel bryan date of birth + age may 22, 1981 (34) astrogogical sign gemini hometown aberdeen, washington current residence phoenix, arizona journal dbryan

describe your ideal day off.
as much as days off are nice, i'm actually convinced that bryan is incapable of sitting still and doing nothing. that's not to say he won't lounge around on the couch or just stay at home (no clubbing for this guy), but i feel like a typical day off is still busy-ish? it'd probably start off with him getting up and making breakfast (using ingredients from his garden, of course), or hitting up a local food place for brunch. maybe after a trip to the gym, he'd go home, hang out with josie and brie, and work on his garden (while josie runs around and rolls in dirt) for the rest of the day. bryan's not big on the whole tv thing, but if football or something was on, he'd probably curl up and watch that with the two lovely ladies in his life before bed.

what words do you overuse?
am i allowed to say "yes"? is that a total cop-out answer here?

what piece of technology makes your life easier?
this is a fairly difficult question to answer, mostly because i'm pretty sure bryan hates most of the technology in existence. i say this with all of the love in my heart, but i'm also fairly certain he doesn't know how to use half of the gadgets that he owns. leave him in a best buy for any length of time and his brain might actually explode, or at the very least, you'll start seeing smoke coming out of his ears. i really shouldn't make fun of him for this since he's probably a lot more technologically inclined than i am (as long as we're not talking video game controllers), and he even hopped on the instagram bandwagon recently (and so did josie, i've discovered). but, if i had to pick one piece of technology that would make bryan's life easier, i'd probably have to go with another cop-out answer and say his computer. he just wrote a book and i'm sure this man has a million e-mails to answer on the daily.

what fictional character do you relate to?
he reminds me of a mix of captain planet combined with the brawny lumberjack dude...even if he's the slowest wood chopper known to man. i'm not even sure if there are any other modern-day fictional characters who like gardening and being green, and i mostly just picture bryan to be the real-life version of captain planet...maybe just minus the belly shirt and the green hair, because i'm not sure bryan would ever consider dying his hair green. i asked bryan what fictional character he thought he'd be, and he said perhaps spiderman without the cool factor (even though bryan is totally cool and has no idea what he's talking about), or milhouse from the simpsons. i can see the milhouse comparison really, because...smart and loyal sums him up in a nutshell.

what would you sing on karaoke night?
country roads, obviously, even though i think i would personally be partial to him teaming up with kurly kane to rap again. in all seriousness though, bryan isn't too big on listening to a lot of music, but i think if he had the option to pick an artist, he'd probably belt out some frank turner, or perhaps some really old school wrasslin' theme song.

i'm pretty sure this dude needs little to no introduction as far as his wrestling career goes. i think i'd probably be here for an hour trying to sum up his career, honestly. whether or not you've been following him since his indie days or you jumped on the "yes" (or perhaps "no") bandwagon half-way through his wwe career, you'd have to be blind not to be able to see how talented he is in the ring. and while he's not always comfortable on the mic, he's one of the few on the present-day roster who could garner such a strong crowd reaction without being the most eloquent. i'm so proud of how far he's come and it was a privilege to be even a small part of his journey, even if he did scream at me and break my cold little heart on television. BUT on with the questions...

what's your favorite thing about your job?
bryan has never been one for gimmicks or all of that "extra" stuff, which is probably why we got along so well right off the bat. interviews, money, reality shows, photoshoots...he's not about any of that. he's a wrestler because he just simply loves to wrestle. i seriously believe that there is no greater joy to him than being in that ring, which is probably why he goes so stir-crazy when he has to be out for any length of time. of course, i think he loves meeting his fans as well, especially his tinier ones and bringing a smile to their faces.

who is your favorite wrestler of all time?
the ultimate warrior, shawn michaels, hulk hogan, and he's said shinsuke nakamura is someone he'd love to wrestle at some point, and i'm sure there are 10 more he's going to be disappointed that i didn't list.

...have unlimited love or unlimited money?
unlimited love, no questions asked. if money wasn't basically a necessity, i'm pretty sure bryan would be just content as long as he had the people he cared about still in his life.

...never have internet access again or never be able to take an airplane again?
oh god. he'd probably prefer never having internet access again, mostly because it would make his job pretty damn hard if he couldn't hop on a plane to go overseas or go halfway across the country in a day.

...be in a real version of The Walking Dead or Jurassic Park?
jurassic park, probably. i think he'd get tired of being surrounded by killer zombies and crazy people, and at least in jurassic park, there's a chance of survival and not just the guarantee of turning into a brain-eater upon death. plus, i'm not the only one who can see bryan riding around on a pterodactyl, am i?

...be a vampire or a wizard?
probably a wizard. then again, this might depend on what kind of vampire we're talking about. sparkly twilight vampire, or badass type of vamp like lestat or the master? ...and now that my inner nerd is coming out in this, i'd still be willing to bed he'd pick wizard because who doesn't want to learn cool spells?

...have 20 kids over the course of your life or never be able to have or adopt children?
fairly certain he'd want to go with the former in this situation, although i'm not sure if he'd be stoked about 20 mini-bryans running around. that is A LOT of kids to keep up with...how would he remember all of their names and be able to tell them apart? still, i think that when the day comes, bryan is going to make an awesome dad and he's going to put his entire heart in it. i think it would kill him if he could never have a kid of his own.

...be married to Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?
this...is a terrible "would you rather" question and i'm mad at the generator for it. i guess i'll go with paris, for the sheer fact that i'm pretty sure bryan doesn't swing in the direction of any males.

...be an ugly genius or a hot moron?
i'm probably going to want to hit him if he tells me he's already the former, but i think he'd much rather be an ugly genius. he's not all about looks because he's not completely vain. he's definitely the type of person to value a brain over looks. there's no point in being attractive if you can't carry a decent conversation.

...be the famous author of Twilight or the famous writer of every Nickelback song?
...i can say with the upmost confidence that bryan has (more than less likely) never read a twilight book or saw any of the movies in his life, so this one kind of made me laugh. also, am i the only one who doesn't completely get the nickleback hate? not every song is terrible, is it? so i'm gonna go with be the famous writer of every nickleback song for this one.

so i'm not really big into watching sports these days (minus hockey) because it's something i'd more or less only do with my brother, BUT bryan is a huge football/baseball fan. unsurprisingly, his favorite team is hands down the seattle seahawks. while i much prefer new york/new jersey baseball teams, i know he's also a fan of the san francisco giants, even if he karate chops some of their players. we don't talk about sports much (mostly because he's a great friend and lets me geek out over my comics and video games, and i probably don't let him get a single word in about any of his interests), but i'll at least admit to knowing who some of these teams are now thanks to him.

and this is probably the lamest section on this thing, so i'll just leave you with a video of bryan being awesome and gushing over his favorite team.

this is probably the hardest section of this survey, mostly because i wanted to make it something useful/something bryan could enjoy. i'm absolutely not drawing him a picture of any sort because he would just forever laugh at my lack of skill to even draw a proper stick figure, and i don't think i'm creative enough at the moment to write him a story, so i copied him and made a dandy little mix. i know bryan isn't too into music, but hopefully this will be a little enjoyable at the least. and if not, you totally have permission to make fun of my musical tastes.

♪ i like the simple life, the way it used to be. we left our doors wide open, we didn't need no key ♫

this song just reminds me of you because you're such a fighter, no matter what curveballs are thrown at you. ...that, and i really like acoustic songs.

♪ and i spent the day dreaming of dying in mesa, arizona where all the green of life had turned to ash ♫
